How to apply borders, based on grouped columns
We tried to apply border, based on vertically grouped column. Specifically, we need to apply the border like the following image. The main column contains three child columns. We can apply the border on all grid. How to remove Expenses, Sales, Cost column border?
Use the following Image for reference
5 replies
To change border settings for a specific column please select the wanted column and then chose the wanted settings from the ribbon as shown in the image below -
To add to this for your specific example the best way to approach this is to remove the existing grid by selecting 'None' then select the 'Expense' column and select the 'Left' option (as this is the column you logically want the line to be the left of), for completeness you could do the same and select 'Right' while having the 'Cost' column selected.
which will give you the desired result.