Tip of the Day - Five Key Elements of Gen-BI
A short explanation of the 5 foundational elements or pillars of Pyramid’s Generative BI strategy. It highlights what matters in implementing a Gen-BI capability and how Pyramid facilitates these…
Tip of the Day - GenBI vs GenAI explained
The implementation of GenAI into the every day processes of you company is one of the top discussion topics. The Terminology and Differences are misty and could be misleading.…
Subscription Default/Current Slicer Question
Hi everyone, Is it possible to set up subscriptions with a combination of current and default values selected for a presentation? For example, if a user wants to create a regular weekly subscription…
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Tip of the Day - Using embedded Gen-BI
Our video of the day is an addition to the AI Features Series from our latest release Pyramid 2023.11 Watch in this 3 minute Demo, how you can embed Gen-BI Content & Functionality without code.…
Default theme not pre-selected
Hi, I have created a new theme (circled below) and made it the default within my pyramid environment under the admin settings, however when creating a new present / discovery the old default theme…
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Learning Live 2024: Pyramid 2023 Update
About this Video: In this Episode of Learning Live we will give you an update and overview of the new features and improvements that have been included in the Product since the launch of Pyramid…
Tip of the Day - Visual Tool Tips
Create custom graphic tool tips that display a given data discovery or presentation when hovering over a specified measure in a selected visualization. The report displayed in the tool tip is…
Tip of the Day - ChatBot Conversation
Video of the Day - Conversation with the Chat Bot Our video of the day is the second one about the AI Features in our latest release Pyramid 2023.11 Watch in this 2 1/2 minute Demo,…
Pyramid #DataTipoftheDay on Youtube
Video of the Day - Chatbot AI-Designer Our video of the day is about one of the new features in our latest release Pyramid 2023.11 Watch a 2 minute Demo of our Chatbot AI-Designer for Present and…
Default panel settings
Hi, Is it possible to amend the default panel settings for a discover in present? Under themes in admin content there are a lot of configurable formatting options,…
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Learning Live: Enriching Data with Python Scripts
About this Video: In this video we give you an overview about how you can enrich your analytics data with Python Script. Content: Lets check out this session,…
Learning Live: Creating Custom Visuals
About this Video: Pyramid offers a broad variety of visualizations out of the Box in Discover. In some cases there are specific visualizations that are better to explain the data set in question.…
Learning Live: Dashboard Design & Optimization
About this Video: In this week's learning live, we cover design and optimization of Dashboard. Starting from the principles of telling the story behind the data, to fundamental visualization choices,…
Table of Contents UI
Hi, When I export a dashboard which includes a table of contents from the dynamic text feature, the contents list isn't included. Are there any settings which need to be selected to include this?…
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How to include all Context in Action when Jumping from Present to Discover
I want to create a jump to content item action on a Present that carries over all filter values placed on a Discover in the Present. In a Present, I have a Discover with multiple slicers interacting…
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Dashboard Gallery: Financial Services II
Dashboard Gallery: Financial Services Dashboard II This Dashboard was developed as a showcase for a fictional investment company. It has three panels that give a user a good overview about the…
Learning Live: Speed up Analytics Deployment for your Teams
About this Video: The Analyst License is designed to provide intermediate access for users with moderate experience on data analytics using the lite version of the Pyramid platform.…
Is it possible to toggle between 3 different date fields on a Present
I have a present with discovers that all are based on time. They show information about loans that have been created over the past X amount of time. This is grouped by a total for each past…
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Dashboard Gallery: Equipment & Energy Management
Dashboard Gallery: Equipment and Energy Management This one page summary Dashboard allows the user to get a fast overview about the cost of a set of Tools and Machines and find areas to optimize…
PQL Dynamic text formatting
Hi, I'm trying to write a PQL for dynamic text, so that when the data value selected in my matrix is equal to or greater than 0 it's formatted as Green.…
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Unable to see discovery in Present
Hi , I am able to see the discoveries in my slide in the design module but it shows some error when i run the Present
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Dashboard Gallery: Service Management
Dashboard Gallery: Service Management This Dashboard condenses a lot of information in one single page. Ideal e.g. for a Manager overseeing operations wo needs quick visible cues and then act and/or…
Dashboard Gallery: Financial Services
Dashboard Gallery: Financial Services Dashboard has been developed as a showcase based on public data. It give you a view into loan data and the connected risks when the loan crisis hit.…
Dashboard Gallery: Four Analytics Types
Dashboard Gallery: Four Analytics Types in one view Decision intelligence has four time perspectives when working with the existing data. This Dashboard shows what the different Types are and what…
Dashboard Gallery: Sales Dashboard
Dashboard Gallery: Sales Dashboard In this Sales Dashboard we find a compact overview about all information a sales leader needs on their fingertips to stay on top of the current development…