Weighted Product Distribution %
Good morning, I hope that someone can assist us with calculating a product's weighted distribution in Pyramid. Weighted Distribution % = The Total Value of the Customers that buy a Product (where…
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How to find the "1st Month of the Year of the Previous Month" in a list
How to find the "1st Month of the Year of the Previous Month" in a list In this question the user was asking how to find the first month of the year, but the basis for this search would not be the…
Tips & Tricks: How to identify duplicated elements
How to identify duplicated elements? A recent Question on the Community asked what would be a good way to identify duplicates. E.g. where an Element has been assigned a Status twice where it only…
How to build Aggregates with Context Calculations
How to build Aggregates with Context Calculations Working with the more advanced functionalities of Discover can be seen as daunting, but don’t be afraid.…
How to use Measure Lists and Parameters
How to use Measure Lists and Parameters Working with the more advanced functionalities of Discover can be seen as daunting, but don’t be afraid. Use the Tips & Tricks series to give you a quick way…
How to build a Tree Map Chart with Measure
How to build a Tree Map Chart with Measure Tree Maps are a powerful visualization if well used and understood. Using Grouping and Measures we are able to create very insightful Tree Map Charts.…
How to cluster outliers and add regression lines
How to cluster outliers and add regression lines Working with the more advanced functionalities of Discover can be seen as daunting, but don’t be afraid.…
How to build logical categorizations (Bins)
How to build logical categorizations (Bins) Working with the more advanced functionalities of Discover can be seen as daunting, but don’t be afraid. Use the Tips & Tricks series to give you a quick…
How to use the List Builder to create a Word Cloud
How to use the List Builder to create a Word Cloud Working with the more advanced functionalities of Discover can be seen as daunting, but don’t be afraid.…
Learning Live: Creating Custom Visuals
About this Video: Pyramid offers a broad variety of visualizations out of the Box in Discover. In some cases there are specific visualizations that are better to explain the data set in question.…
Live Connection SAP BW - Extrapolation of Budget values to a monthly split (linear)
Hi there, I would like to extrapolate the following budget values to a monthly view from a given year view only. For example, from SAP BW we only get the annual accumulated budget figure.…
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Custom Visualizations
The formulate module should have a option for "Custom Visualizations". I dont see it, neither in our pyramid analytics platform nor the explore one of the community?
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Is it possible to toggle between 3 different date fields on a Present
I have a present with discovers that all are based on time. They show information about loans that have been created over the past X amount of time. This is grouped by a total for each past…
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How to add subtotals for % Values to sum up to 100% in the category
Question: How to add subtotals for % to sum up to 100% for the category In a recent internal discussion we came across this question and wanted to share the solution to a broader audience.…
How to: Creating a Custom Column to create a new attribute
How to: Creating a Custom Column to create a new attribute In this usage of Custom Column, a new feature for Pyramid 2023, we will create a new column that represents the Domain of an email address…
How to: Display Daily Data in a Calendar View
How to: Display Daily Data in a Calendar View When you are working with Daily Data it will sometimes make sense to display the information in a Calendar view.…
Text parameter which retrieves date ranges
Hello everyone, Is it possible to map text captions in a parameter to individual list objects. The business context is to enable the formation of date ranges which are either calendar or fiscal in…
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How to add conditional formats (coloring) to elements for particular columns
Question: How to apply conditional Formatting to certain Columns In a recent Question in the Q&A Section by @Aaron Yohannan we got the question how to apply conditional formatting to certain columns.…
Learning Live: The Hub and Personalized Dashboards
About this Video: In this video we give you overview about a new feature in the platform: 'The Hub'. These Hub provides a method to display individual content when users log into the platform -…
How to create a Quick KPI - Period on Period. From Tips & Tricks October 22
Sneak: How to create a Quick KPI - Period on Period The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to…
How to create a Switch List. From Tips & Tricks August 22
Sneak: How to create a Switch List The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more advanced use…
How to create a custom sorted list for use in filtering. From Tips&Tricks 4/21
Sneak: Scrollable panel layout + Select/Deselect in Sub-Totals + Custom Sorted Lists + Member Color Lock The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team.…
How to add a Custom Visual from the Marketplace. From Tips & Tricks Vol 3/21
Sneak: How to add a Custom Visual from Marketplace The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to…
How to add a Top 10 Filter to a Discover. From Tips & Tricks Vol 3/21
Sneak: How to add and show a Top 10 filter The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more…
How to create a Rank Calculation. From Tips & Tricks - Vol 2/21
Sneak: How to create a Rank Calculation The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more…