How to Limit Color Logic to a Single Column
In the screenshot, there is a color-coded "Med Surg Supply Cost / Equiv. Patient Day" measure, where the red-green split is based off the average of those values. How do I 1.…
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How to apply borders, based on grouped columns
We tried to apply border, based on vertically grouped column. Specifically, we need to apply the border like the following image. The main column contains three child columns.…
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Font color not working on light blue color background .Ex Font color :#FFFFFF, Background Color:#85CCDB
For example see the attachment: I need all the headings in white Font.
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Additions to conditional formatting
Hi I reckon this should be a simple one. Essentially it's a combination of the logical band with "positive negative" and the continuous linear function. Say I have a range going from -50 to +200.…
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Conditional Formatting
I have been converting reports from BI Office to Pyramid 2018 and I have run into a snag. Note that this report was imported from BI Office to Pyramid 2018 using the conversion tool.…
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How to use "Custom Colors" in the "Color" Drop zone to set a specific color to a specific value in a grid.
1) Create a new formula in the formulations app 2) Create an "IF" statement based on a measure using the "RGB" function and save it. Use an RGB Color picker such as the one here to get the correct…