Conditional Formatting in a waterfall

I am trying to create a waterfall chart that shows the deviation between planned and actual values. I have inserted this as a unit of measurement (calculation actual minus plan) in my values and then selected the cumulative total. I would like to display all negative deviations in red and all positive deviations in green. In the conditional formatting I have selected the color logic ranges and then Logical. If I select “Positive Negative” for the algorithm, all bars turn green. I could imagine that this is because the values are in the positive area of the y-axis. If I select “Average” in the algorithm, then it is the same as in my photo and some positiv deviations are red.
Does anyone have any idea how I can make all the negative bars red and the positive ones green?
Thank you
2 replies
Hi .
You need be sure that you're applying the color logic to the right measure. In the following example you can see a report where we have Actual data by month (x-axis) and we are using another measure (one that calculates Actual - Planned) to apply the color.
And this is the Color properties panel:
Hope that helps.