Pyramid Explore Server - How to Sign up and participate

Welcome to Explore Pyramid

explore.pyramidanalytics.com is our new community area for customers, partners, and anyone new to Pyramid to explore the full platform capabilities through a series of regular data challenges. On this Platform you will have access to Pyramid modules like Discover, Formulate, Tabulate, Present and more so you can have detailed look at the data we provide and build a fun and interesting analytics from the different datasets. Explore Pyramid and build your analytical skills and knowledge.

How to sign up

In order to sign up for your explore. Simply sign up on this page. The system will then send you an e-Mail with your log in Credentials.


Please be aware that all content that you develop and publish in one of the public folders on the platform will be made visible to other users. But, this way also build a portfolio of your skills and work on our platform.

How to take part in Explore Missions

On a regular basis we will provide new datasets on the Explore Server in a dedicated folder. Here is a description how to access the data and work with it.
(Sample shows the first Mission on explore.pyramidanalytics.com)


Additionally, there is an article here in the Pyramid Explore missions folder for every task that details the content of the dataset and gives hint on where you could go with the data. If you have questions about the data or get stuck in your development, drop them below the corresponding article. (Don't spoil)

Details on how to build your dashboards and publish them

To complete a Explore mission you will need to log in to the server and create content, then later copy it to the public sections. Details on how to do this can be found here: Community Tips - How to participate in the Explore Missions

the results will be shared with the community users on the Platform. This way your peers can see it and 'rate'.  At the end of the month we will review and promote a few of the results.

Have fun with these challenges and use them to build your analytical skills

P.S: If you have a dataset that could be used for one of our challenges. Reach out to us at community@pyramidanalytics.com

