Pyramid Explore #3 - You can't expect to win every single battle

Growing up, Pokémon was everywhere! There was the anime on tv, games, cards, Tazos or plushies. And it’s still super popular to this day, with new games releases and of course, Pokémon Go. (Google it

The dataset has been source from here:

https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mariotormo/complete-pokemon-dataset-updated-090420 and is licensed under: CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Dataset contains information on 1045 Pokémon from 8 Generations. It includes the Pokémon name in 3 Languages, their Stats (such as HP, Attack, Defense etc), types, height, weight and how they performance against other types.

So what are we looking for?

Pika-Pika Pikapi? Translation: Show us why you are the very best! 

Even for non-fans, I would be “shocked” if you didn’t recognise the iconic Pikachu.

For those who are not fluent in Pokémon:

Some challenge ideas for inspiration.

·         What are the top 3 most common Pokémon types?

·         What are the stats (HP, Attack, Defense etc) of your favourite Pokémon?

·         On average, which generation’s Pokémon are the strongest in terms of Attack?

·         How many Pokémons have 2 abilities?

Where is the Data, I need to get going

As usual, you can access the data, simply by opening a new Discover in the Explore Server. Its listed as our next Explore - Public Pokémon (Jul 2023). If you have questions feel free to drop them in the Explore Forum. And as they say?

“Do you always need a reason to help somebody?”

P.S. There is an amazing Presentation by Kelly Lu Murray who cleaned and prepared this Dataset as inspiration in the Public Folder.

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    • Community_chris
    • 1 yr ago
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    Announcement Note for Pokemon Challenge:

    Dear Explorers,
    time to wrap up the Pokemon Challenge, but before we let you know more about our next Data Set, its is time to talk about the Winners of the current Challenge.

    from our Partner Prodato in Germany
    What do we like about this Dashboard? It plays with the Dataset and answers the Questions we had in the Article. BUT what we like even more about it, is that Lara included Tabulate into the Mix, preparing the data to be displayed on the second page. You can find the Dashboard and the connected Tabulate in our Explore Server.  To play with the Dashboard. Just click the here

    AND that's not all.

    Honorable Mention
     not only helped to prepare the Challenge, but also did an amazing Dashboard her self. Kelly is a self proclaimed Pokemon Nerd and built this beautiful Dashboard. Check out the second page where you can compare a Pokemon with your size. Simply click here to see more.

    We will keep the data on the Server for you to play.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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