How to clean up the Pyramid "General" Folder
UPDATE: If you are using Pyramid 2020.20 and above, the maintenance tool is now built in to the product. The default path to it is- C:\Program Files\Pyramid\core\maintenance.…
Firewall Settings for Pyramid
When Pyramid is installed across multiple servers and there are internal firewalls between them, the following ports must be opened between all servers. All ports are TCP.…
Example of how to authenticate and embed Pyramid content.
For Embed on Pyramid 2020.11 please see this link. Below is a simple example of a web page that displays Pyramid content and authenticates to the Pyramid Embed API in order to create a cookie for…
How to use "Custom Colors" in the "Color" Drop zone to set a specific color to a specific value in a grid.
1) Create a new formula in the formulations app 2) Create an "IF" statement based on a measure using the "RGB" function and save it. Use an RGB Color picker such as the one here to get the correct…
What URL'S does Pyramid need access to for mapping to work?
The Pyramid server (Run-time and Task engine) need access to: http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/ - this is used for Geocoding addresses, only address information is sent. and https://*.…
- Answered
How to change the default internal Pyramid website port
1) Navigate to the below file: "C:\Program Files\Pyramid 2018\config.ini" Find the line "wwwport=8181" and change it to a port of your choosing. Also update the following line to reflect the new…
How to create a memory dump
Pyramid support may request a memory dump be sent to them. Please see below how to create the file: 1) Login to the Pyramid server and open the task Manager.…
Pyramid 2018 Geospatial Shapes summary
Please see the attached PDF for a summary of all the Geospatial shapes that are available for Pyramid 2018 mapping.
How to hide Microsoft SQL databases that a user does not have access to
By default even if a user does not have access to an Microsoft SQL database they can still view it when logging into SQL Management studio. Therefore the same behavior will be seen in Pyramid when…
Problems with printing? How to send us detailed diagnostic information.
If you have issues when printing to Word, PowerPoint, PDF or HTML then sending us the following information can help us understand and fix the issue. Download and install Postman (free) on your…
After upgrading Pyramid, it is not possible to access Pyramid using the URL host name defined in IIS
ISSUE: After upgrading a Pyramid install that uses IIS, the site is no longer accessible, please check that the following is correct: 1) Open IIS >Double click on the server name(1)>Double Click on…
Adding a Tabular/Analysis data source that is not located on the same domain that Pyramid 2018 is installed on.
Case Pyramid 2018 is installed on domain A, and you want to add a tabular server that is running on a server with no domain Solution Usually, this would break the security model of how analysis…
How to backup and restore a PostgreSQL database
Before upgrading Pyramid, it is strongly advised to take a backup before hand. If using the built in PostgreSQL for the Pyramid repository database below is how to backup and restore the database if…
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