Analysis of streaming data with Kafka.
Introduction What if I don’t want to, or can’t wait for data to appear in a datawarehouse before I can analyse it? There obvious use cases like IoT, but every organisation can benefit from…
Auto Provisioning - adding multiple roles
I have AD groups that I will be using for Auto Provisioning. I created a schedule for an AD group, but want to assign the user to multiple roles. It appears I will need to create a job for each role…
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Model Definitions, Materialized Content & Data Security
Pyramid 2018 has a powerful modeling tool set that comes complete with a deep security framework that covers both data and content. As a data security platform,…
Installer file for Windows Desktop Client only
Hi folks, when you install Pyramid 2018 (Server) on a Windows based machine, there is automatically installed the Windows Desktop Client as well. I wondered,…
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Text Field Border and Margin
I need my text field to display small. I can change the font size to 8 but it still has a disproportionate margin that is almost as tall as the text. Is there some way to shrink this?…
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Pyramid 2018.05.4-2 Released
The June release of Pyramid - build 2018.05.814 - includes fixes for several key bugs and a new option to set proxy settings. Upgrading Instructions and best practice guides on how to run the…
Dear all, is it possible to connect to a MySQL Database via SSH? Thanks in advance and kind regards Markus Loy
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How to change the default internal Pyramid website port
1) Navigate to the below file: "C:\Program Files\Pyramid 2018\config.ini" Find the line "wwwport=8181" and change it to a port of your choosing. Also update the following line to reflect the new…
Calculating Moving Averages in Pyramid IMDB
Introduction When looking at trends over time, there is often the need to smooth out the individual values by using a Moving Average (MAv). The MAv smooths out the peaks and troughs,…
SSAS drillthrough
I've set up a drillthrough action within an SSAS cube, and it works fine in the pop up box in Pyramid 2018. However when you export the drillthrough to excel,…
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Rolling Average IMDB Model
Hi, Is there any way of creating a 3/6/12 month rolling average in an in memory data base model? I have tried creating a range list between current member and a lagged value but this doesn't seem to…
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Locking down a Pyramid 2018 Model
Hi there, I was wondering if there was a way for a Admin to lock down specific models so that they can still be shared but not changed unless a new model is copied from it.…
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Union: Adding Attributes to a Node
How do you Map Your Measures? You have numbers accrued in a database or excel for months, but nobody has taken an interest in them. You want to unleash the can of worms, so to speak,…
IMDB hangs during install on Linux Centos
We found that in some case when installing Pyramid on Linux Centos, the installer hangs on the IMDB phase. In the current installer 2018.05.642 (5.4) there's a missing switch "-y" that enable the…
You don't have access to this Database source
I'm trying to provide a user with access to a Discover I created and they keep getting this message. What do I need to do to give him access?
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Using Formulas in a Discovery Matrix Grid
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create 3 sub rows (Beginning, Newly Added, and Ending) for each row (subline) in my table. Beginning of one year is the Ending of the previous year.…
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Default to todays date on Date Filter
How do I get the Date Filter to default to todays date on a Discovery? ( Scenario : The user wants to look at a WTD?MTD etc up to a point in time but wants the Date Filter to defaults to today's…
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Fail to get Active Directory users groups
Issue: In the Admin, when assigning Pyramid roles to AD Groups, the role fails to propagate to the user, when the AD group contains special characters, such as "/".…
Dynamic texts for Slicers
Hi Folks, I am trying to use Dynamic text in Pyramid analytics 2018 which is based on the slicer (single select-drop down) so that the Presentation header in each slide changes with the slicer…
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Switching time hierarchies on dashboard
Hi Folks! Wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to switch time hierarchies on a dashboard. Example is 4 different dates with time intel, Date Born, Date Married, Date Divorced, Date Died.…
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Pyramid 2018.05.4 Released
The May release of Pyramid - build 2018.05.642 - covers numerous bug fixes and several features. Upgrading Instructions and best practice guides on how to run the upgrade can be found here.…
Hi, My tool tips don't appear to be working. I have told the software to display the Netlocation as tooltips, but when I scroll over or click on the lines in the line graph nothing appears.…
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How to leverage URL and Email Attributes in Actions
Actions can be used to take advantage of columns that contain website URLs or email addresses. In this sample dataset, I have both features. Actions can be created in the Discover module and in the…
Repeat row/column headers in group
Hi All, Is there a way to repeat row/column headers for each row/column in a group? So instead of seeing for example: 2018 once, then each month under, I see 2018 over each individual month? Thanks,
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Sorting Question with Stacked Hierarchies
Is it possible to apply sorting to an inner hierarchy stacked with an outer hierarchy so that the inner hierarchy is sorted while respecting the current member of the outer hierarchy? For example,…
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