Question about Sets and Display Folder in SSAS Cube

Hey guys,


we would like to use sets and display folders in a SSAS cube.

Unfortunately both doesn't really work correctly.


First issue we're having is related to the set "LastWeek" which is shown in one of the screenshots.

The set is visible in the regular SSMS cube browser and in Excel, but not in Pyramid.

We can't find the set anywhere.


The second issue is that, as soon as we use display folders, all the measure groups disappear.

Please see the screenshot with "Customer Credit" measure group at the top.

This is how it looks before specifying a display folder, everything is fine.

After I specify the display folder "KPIs" for measure "Sell-In Volume" it looks like in the other screenshot.

We now have a folder called "KPIs" but all the folders for the other measure groups are gone.

All the measures are just listed as a flat list.


Any help would be kindly appreciated :-)




3 replies

    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    First, we do not support display folders for SSAS named sets (sets designed on the server). There is a request for them, and you can vote for it if you want.

    Second, measure groups are not an organization tool. SSMS and Excel may use them as such, but its far from convenient because it locks you into a folder structure that's related to your cube's technical design, not necessarily to your business logic. We do support measure groups - but as they were intended. You can read the full explanation in this post.

    Last, your set will appear with the hierarchy it belongs to "Time day - ISO Week Calendar" under the 'named sets' folder in the hierarchy's element tree.

    • Patrik_Pangerl
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Avi,


    thanks for your reply.

    Regarding the sets, I removed the Display Folder but still can't find it anywhere.




    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Please contact support to help you out.

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