Custom sort ordering - order by top N but leave "other" at bottom
I have a table which shows the top N brokers, and then has the rest in an "other" bucket.. this works brilliant but I need to sort by the top N by premium but leave the "other" bucket at the bottom of the top N... is this possible?
4 replies
Hi Nicholas Campbell
I'd tried reading the questing a couple of times but I'm still not sure i understood all the details.
Could you maybe add some images or more detailed explanations?
What are the attributes, members and measures in here?
I guess that brokers is an attribute.
Premium is a measure? is it used to define the top/bottom N? and the sorting? what is a "bucket"? a custom member?
Imbar -
I'm sorry perhaps not explained it very well. I've got the Top N Brokers In a list, alongside the "Other" Brokers as you have demo'd above, however if I apply a sort by premium value, the "other" element gets sorted along with the "Top N".
I really want to be able to sort Top N first and leave the "Other" at the bottom of table even though the value is significantly larger than some of the Top Brokers.
I understand by default it sorts fine, with other at bottom but as I change the Top N the sort order by the Top N Brokers then lose the correct sort order
Imbar's suggestion is how to resolve your issue.
You need to construct a list/set of the top N items - sort that as you want with the List builder (you can use any element in the model to drive the set, regardless of what you can visibly see in the report). Then independently add up all the others.
Finish, by showing the 2 elements as needed.