Waterfall Chart to show the actual growth split by category
We need to build a waterfall chart that shows the LY Sales as the first bar, then shows the Actual Growth split by category, then shows the resulting CY Sales figure.
Does anyone have a creative idea on how to get this result?
3 replies
Hi Natalie,
this looks a lot like the IBCS Charts that were introduced last year. Would that do the trick? https://community.pyramidanalytics.com/t/g9hvpf9/dashboard-gallery-business-modeling
and here is the Tip&Trick for it: https://community.pyramidanalytics.com/t/83yh4t5/how-to-build-visualization-according-to-the-ibcs-standard -
Thanks Mark and Christian for the feedback - we are upgrading our server soon so really looking forward to this new functionality.