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  • Enhancing Accessibility in Data Analytics: The Importance of Dyslexic-Friendly Fonts

  • Ensure you have a Communication Plan and Measure Your Success

    • Turning Data into Decision
    • Simon_Devine
    • updated 3 mths ago
    • 55
    • 2
  • Craft a Comprehensive Delivery Plan

    • Turning Data into Decision
    • Simon_Devine
    • 4 mths ago
    • 45
  • Make Data Relatable through Story Telling

    • Turning Data into Decision
    • Simon_Devine
    • 4 mths ago
    • 48
  • Fostering a Culture of Data Literacy

    • Turning Data into Decision
    • Simon_Devine
    • 4 mths ago
    • 123
  • Empower the Executive Sponsor

    • Turning Data into Decision
    • Simon_Devine
    • updated 5 mths ago
    • 82
    • 4