Python script in model: ok in preview, fails at runtime
Hello everyone. I am attempting to execute a python script module in Model. The key library I am using is googletrans, which allows API calls to Google translate to facilitate foreign language…
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Measure Waterfall chart operational in version 2020
Hello all, I'm working in version 2020 and I am struggling to get the custom visual measure waterfall chart to behave. Is there a bug within this object.…
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Rename an element?
A quick question, and quite possibly something I have overlooked, but, is it possible to do an ad-hoc renaming of specific members within a hierarchy, in a fashion similar to altering the caption…
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Data bar indicators in discovery matrix grids 'didappaear' when all metric values are negative
I have 9 custom metrics presently displayed in a matrix grid. These were all built (to the best of my knowledge) in an identical fashion. I have applied conditional formatting to each of the metrics.…
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Capacity limit to number of accepted lists in Discovery's Variable List Wizard
Is there a limit to the number of lists that can be accepted when building a Variable List using the Variable List wizard in Discovery. I am trying to add 47 lists, however,…
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Mimic member logic within lists
Hello folks. I have a very handy variable list object which filters a large number of products into the end-user's desired internal product categories. I would like to now compute the percentage…
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Cascading parameters
Hello folks. Does Pyramid have the ability to build cascading parameters? I would like to have a text parameter control the output of two independent numeric parameters. Cheers, Dave
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Text parameter which retrieves date ranges
Hello everyone, Is it possible to map text captions in a parameter to individual list objects. The business context is to enable the formation of date ranges which are either calendar or fiscal in…
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Sequential sorting of a single dimension by multiple measures
Hello everyone, I am trying to ascertain whether I can sort a table on a single dimension column but apply sequential sorts using more than one measure.…
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Sort a hierarchy using multiple measures
Hello everyone, I feel this should be straightforward but struggling to implement. I would like to sort a hierarchy by multiple measures, so that there is a primary measure used for sorting,…
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Connecting to a Sharepoint List
Hello everyone, I am struggling to connect to a SP list. Has anyone achieved this? I assume so as there is the ability to create a 'new server' from a SP source.…
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