Unified slicer for two separate parameters

We're building a dashboard which includes two main charts.
The top one is sales data and the second is market share.
Each one of them is attached to parameter (marked) which allows to switch between value, volume and units for sales and value, volume and unit market share for market share.
We are trying to find a way for them to work together
Therefore create some type of solution in which we can predefine the pairs of measures (value sales and value market share for example) and select them in a single click
Any ideas?
2 replies
Hi Yakov,
The below might work for you.
1. Create a Parameter with the 3 options - Value, Volume, Price (I called mine Measure Parameter)2. Create your Sales Measure Calculation based on the Measure Parameter
3. Create your Share Measure Calculation based on the Measure Parameter
4. Use the above 2 calculations on your charts and add the Measure Parameter onto the presentation slide and interact it with the 2 charts
Please let me know if this is what you were looking for.
Natalie -
Hi Natalie-Anne
Works perfectly!
Even when expanded to 3 different types
Many Thanks!