How to fully uninstall the Pyramid 2023 "Archimedes" Limited Testing Program 1 (LTP1) release on Windows OS
This article is relevant for you if you are planning to uninstall the Pyramid 2023 "Archimedes" Limited Testing Program 1 (LTP1) release when using Windows OS.…
How to Access a Windows shared folder from Linux using the command line
This article will describe step-by-step how to access a shared folder based on Windows from a Pyramid deployment that is based on Linux. If you haven't done so already,…
What to do when there are issues with logging into Pyramid when using AD as your provider.
This article will help you diagnose if there is an issue with your domain controller and how to work around the problem until your domain controller is fixed.…
How to add a CData custom connector as a data source
A step-by-step guide on how to add a CData custom connector as a data source. Download the Java JDBC driver for the data source you want to connect to. (Click here for a complete list of the…
How to backup and restore a PostgreSQL database via DBeaver
This article discusses how to back up and restore your PostgreSQL database via DBeaver. There is another way to do it via the windows command line, as described in this article:…
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