How to connect Google Sheets to Pyramid
Pyramid can model and blend numerous complex data sources for basic or advanced analysis. The quick tutorial below shows how you can use Pyramid to access and import data stored in a Google Sheet,…
Union: Adding Attributes to a Node
How do you Map Your Measures? You have numbers accrued in a database or excel for months, but nobody has taken an interest in them. You want to unleash the can of worms, so to speak,…
Data Visualization Tutorial
One of the key drivers in the Pyramid 2018 design was the data visualization engine and the flexibility it affords to users in visualizing data for analytics through a huge number of combinations…
Getting Started with Pyramid
In our first session, we will cover the basic getting started workflow from Quick Model, to Discover and finally Present. These examples are simple and designed to acquaint you with the product.…
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