Loading present via URL with filters and targets….but cross model mapping needs to be tailored

I have been expanding a dashboard that’s really resonating with our internal users.

When opening the “present” directly it lands with a date filter using “current date”.

users are presented with a discover revealing content linked to “date filter”

as they select on a row (let’s call it “client”) a mini tab set of presents is linked to the the date filter And their selected client.

i recently added cross model mapping to 1 of the mini tabs (with desire to extend as I get comfortable implementing).  The cross model tab - needs to reference the date filter (but that model uses a datetime field with difference name) and the selected “client”.

my challenge:

I have created a link to this dashboard and successfully used &filter as well as &target settings.  I need to understand how to extend my URL to include parameterizing that Linked Model timestamp AND client.

all of my other mini tabs land properly yet the cross-model tab does not inherit the required fields and the page does not even render.

1 reply

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view


    Have you tested this in isolation? I.e., just the cross model mapping from the Discover without mini tabs or anything? Does that work? Once it does, then add to a mini tab and try that. Does that work? Then if so, finally from the URL loading.

    It sounds to me like your cross model mapping isn't yet working. Get that sorted first in isolation, then work your way though adding more complexity.

    If you need help with the cross model mapping, then we'll need full examples of the hierarchies you want to map to be able to help.

    Hope that helps!


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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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