Conditional formatting in tabular grid

I have a RAG column that has the values - Green, Yellow, Red. I want to replace these words in my tabular grid discovery with a green circle, when its Green, yellow circle, when Yellow, and red circle when Red.
So the end look of that column should be like the attached. How do you go about doing this? In PowerBI, I would typically just conditional format the specific column I want, using icons.
4 replies
Hi ,
Yes, you can do the same thing in Pyramid, but with many more wondrous and varied options, but you have to be using a Matrix Grid.
A Tabular Grid displays data as a table of rows of data, whereas a matrix grid handles each individual cell and thus has far higher fidelity in formatting.
Why do you specifically need a Tabular Grid?
Tabular grids do not support the in-depth conditional formatting in the way that matrix grids do. But there is a simple fix here to allow you to order your columns the way you want as well as handling the conditional formatting using matrix grids
Go back to your model and make your Prior RAG and Current RAG Measures instead of Hierarchies. Set the Aggregation to "Text".
Next create two virtual columns, Prior Color and Current Color based on the value of Prior and current RAG. Make them Measures thus:
Then use these two virtual columns to set the conditional formatting:
You can order the columns any way you wish as they are now Measures rather than hierarchies
Hope that helps.
Or apply them to the Prior and Current Results