Highlighting the column and grid setup *help*

I'm working on a small project and cannot for the life of me get this right. What I want is to make a table in Discover that looks just like the example in Excel where the column color is determined by the manufacturer.
HEIGHT is a #
WEIGHT is a #
PRICE is a $
Any chance you can show a screen print of how it was modeled, and build it in Discover? I've pulled every hair from my head.
5 replies
I hope to save your hair,
In my discover example, I have a number of measures on my rows, and my categories are on the columns
To color the columns based upon the product category, I can right mouse on the Product Category chip in the columns zone and select copy to > color
Categories are assigned colors, which are then applied to the corresponding columns
I hope this helps
Close but no cigar?
Crazy requirement - but i liked it, quite challenging...
First, I transformed your EXCEL data to look like this, as Pyramid expects the first row to be the column headers:In my model each of your columns is a dimension, the Price is both - dimension and measure. I am not sure if this is essential but in the end in your target table there only is dimensional, descriptive information, i.e. nothing to aggregate.
Finally, I think your requirement will not work with a matrix grid, even if you would model "Height" and "Weight" as measures, too. You still would have two dimensions ("Manufacturer" and "Model") which would not reside in the data part of the matrix but serve as column or row headers. This does not meet your requirement and would not result to the intended coloring.
So, I took the tabular grid which unfortunately is only available in the vertical version (with column headers) - and not in the horizontal version (with row headers as in your requirement). But apart from this everything fits - when you put the "Manufacturer" dimension additionally into the Color drop zone and color the three Manufacturer characteristics accordingly.For Price here the measure was taken because the formatting is more accurate than for the Price dimension.
Okay, no cigar, but hopefully close enough.
And i still have a full head of hair...
Michael -
Let me start with the end result and then take you through how I got there. Hopefully this example will answer the questions you posed.
I have put the example on our Explore server. The link below will take you to the registration process for the Explore Server.
Pyramid Explore Server - How to Sign up and participate
The folder containing this solution can be found here.
link to the folder
HOW TO: Color a Column by an attribute
The examples run on a database and semantic model that has the following configuration
As you can see I've added the Manufacturer and Model as dimensional attributes and additionally there are 2 more representing
the manufacturer and name as Text aggregations, these are separate so they interact correctly when on the same grid. We will use the text aggregation measures for our final solution as these can be colored unlike the column header of a dimension atrribute.
I've placed Michael Daun's example of using a tabular grid in the folder, which gives the result in a horizontal format.
Its named 'Tabular - Horizontal Colors'
If we now open the discovery called "Matrix - Vertical Colors" this shows my previous example
with this example the Manufacturer and model dimensional attributes are on the columns, the manufacturer is placed in the color zone. This applies a unique color according to the manufacturer for the measures in the matrix grid. In addition I have removed the row header that previously said 'measures'. To do this we go into the formatting panel by clicking on the formatting icon to the left of the grid.
In the formatting panel, within 'Rows' we will uncheck the "Show Row Header" checkbox
to get to the final solution we can open the discover "Matrix - Vertical Colors - Text Agg",
to get to this end state, we add the text aggregate measures "Manufacturer" and "Model" to the Values zone
the final steps are to color the column header of the matrix so its no longer visible and color the grid to white.
before both of these steps we need to go to the "Design" ribbon bar and within the "Readability" set this to "None".
note: Pyramid's readability logic automatically determines the foreground color in visualizations based on the background color. For instance, if the text (foreground) is black, and the background is changed to black, Pyramid will automatically change the foreground color to make it visible. more details can be found here
now we can set the text color for the column header to a transparent color,
go to the formatting panel, select "Columns" and go to the "Levels" panel
Here you can set the color of the text for "Level 1" and "Level 2" to a transparent color
The final step is to set the grid lines to white, as these are still present around the space where the column header is.
This is done from the ribbon bar
so with a bit of formatting we have achieved the result.
I hope this helps to show a few concepts of how you can format cells within Pyramid.