Add Formulation Parameter as Presentation Slicer

How do I add a parameter to a presentation from the 'Add New Slicer' menu in Pyramid 2018? I am using version 2018.05.814.

I only seem to be able to select cube columns, simple and advanced etc but not a parameter.

I'm sure I was able to do this in BI Office, hopefully I am missing something simple.

Many thanks,


2 replies

    • Yakov_Shaul
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Alister Hill ,
    In Pyramid 2018, all slicers in a presentation are global, and you can choose to hide or show, interact or not as you need.
    As you have noticed you cannot select a parameter.
    Instead, you can create a parameter in 'Formulation' (the Orange app) or in 'Discover' (the Green app)
    Use it in discover, save the report then drag the components you need, in this case, the parameter, then interact with the component you need.
    Hope that helps


    • BI Project
    • Alister_Hill
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Yakov Shaul Thank you.

    That is how I have currently achieved putting a parameter in to a presentation. I was hoping I didn't need to create a discovery to hold the parameter before using it, primarily as it is an extra step for the end user, instead of just adding it directly as a slicer to the presentation.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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