Create an OR filter
I have a discover as below
I want to create a filter that says either the first employee_flg = Y (table 1) or the second employee_flg (table 2) = Y
Is it possible to do this in an discover ?
4 replies
Hi ,
You can create a calculation and then filter by it.
For example, you can create a custom column (formulation app -> column) and then add it as a slicer to the discovery.
Would looks something like:[table1].[employee_flg] = "Y" || [table2].[employee_flag] = "Y"
You can find more details on how to create a custom column in the help site: -
Thanks for the reply
I thought custom columns could be created only involving 1 table
In this case, I have these columns in 2 different tables
I will read through the help to see if I can build a custom column across 2 tables
Ahh I see the difference between a custom column and a virtual calculated column (this is what I have been using extensively)
Let me try creating a custom column via formulate and then use that filter
Thanks again