Related content -> metadate available as source in model?

Hi, I'm new to Pyramid. I've searched the forum but haven't found an answer to the following question:

For operational purposes (Something is broken, where is the impact?) I would like to generate an overview to know where a specific discovery/formula/list/illustration(/model) is used.

It should work the same as the current functionality "Open related content" but then it would output to a list in stead of the actual (Public) content.

Is there some (meta)-data that I can use as a source for a model on which I can then build a discovery?

Best regards, Erik

1 reply

    • Bill_Balnave
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Erik, 

    If you are working in a version of Pyramid2020, we have a function called Lineage which should help you out. It's accessible from the Content Management System. It's available when you select the 3 dot vertical ellipsis button next to a piece of content (Discovery, Presentation, Publication, Formula). You'll see Lineage either at the top context menu or under Actions, depending on which version of Pyramid2020 you're using. Select it, and Pyramid will display for you a diagram that shows all of the downstream objects being used by the object for which you selected. There are right click context menus that also let you navigate the tree structure both upstream and downstream. 


    There is a full overview of it here: https://help.pyramidanalytics.com/Content/Root/MainClient/CMS/Lineage.htm?tocpath=Client%20Help%7CFull%20Client%7CContent%20Management%7CManage%20Content%20Items%7C_____2

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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