Stop distribution of when 'Finished with Errors'

When a publication finishes with errored queries, the report is still distributed - this causes confusion for end users as it appears there is missing data.

Is there a way of stopping a publication sending when there are errors? 

1 reply

    • Jason_Picker
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    There is not a way to stop the publication that I am aware of.  We will try to confirm this with our Development team.  You may want to submit this as a feature request on our Product Ideas page here: LINK.  If the query errors are frequent, you might want to think about adding Page Triggers or Report Triggers to the publication to check the validity of the queries so you can either skip the page or report or provide some sort of alternative messaging.  There are two PQL functions that can help: IsEmptyQuery (LINK) for queries that return no data and IsQueryValid (LINK) for queries that generate errors.

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
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