Filtering discoveries with OR instead of AND

I have been asked for a report to show invoices where the delivery OR the invoice has been sent to a particular country. I have an IMDB model using a sql source, that has the two countries as [Dlv Country] and [Inv Country]

For example if I have both of these in the report slicers and select my chosen country in both- let's say I want GBR, this will show me all records where [Dlv Country] = GBR AND [Inv Country] = GBR. But if we have an invoice that has been delivered to GBR but invoiced to DEU, this will not show because [Inv Country] is not GBR

Is there a way I can get a report to filter records where [Dlv Country] = GBR OR [Inv Country] = GBR?


1 reply

    • imbarmarinescubar_pyram
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Sophie durrant ,

    There isn't a direct option to change the slicers into OR.

    Something you can try out is to create a custom list of invoices that is a union of the 2 lists:
    Invoices where Dlv=GBR and invoices where Inv=GBR.

    It should looks something like this:

    {nonempty([table].[invoices].allmembers,[table].[Dlv Country].[GBR]),
    nonempty([table].[invoices].allmembers,[table].[Inv Country].[GBR])}

    You can also use parameters instead of the actual GBR items.

    Now use the custom list inside your discovery, without the 2 filters you had before.
    If you use parameters instead of static values, then you will get the parameters as slicers in the discovery, filtering out the list of invoices.


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  • Status Answered
  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 45Views
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