Email address in text component



Is there a way to create a mailto in a text component in a presentation?

It would be nice to add the support email to a dashboard and with one click to open the mail client

1 reply

    • Yakov_Shaul
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Nikos Volakakis

    Yes there is,
    In a storyboard, shapes and illustrations can have Click Actions.
    One is 'Jump To Url', in which you type "mailto:name@email.com" (including the ")

    Here's how when using an illustration:

    1. Create an illustration, containing the text you need, text size/color.
      Reduce the Canvas size to fit your text.
      Save the illustration.
    2. open your Presentation and drag the illustration into it. resize and place in the position you need it.
    3. Right click for the context menu and select 'Click Action'
      Select 'Jump to URL' and enter the Mailto you need.
      Click OK and run your Presentation.


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  • Status Answered
  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 17Views
  • 2 Following