Creating a waterfall using deduction amounts
I'm not sure if this is possible but I'm hoping to create a type of waterfall chart where you have the Gross Amount as the start point and then a series of deduction types (COM, BKG etc) to show deduction amounts and then Net Amount as the End Point. I can see how it works with dates using demo video but not deduction types.
Is this possible?
8 replies
are your "deduction types" measures or items in a hierarchy?
Hi Avi
I've tried three ways so flexible in whatever approach could or would work as I have the data in SQL behind it.
The first script I wrote had a single "amount" measure which then had a dimension to identifier what type of amount i.e. gross premium, net premium or a brokerage, commission, tax, fee etc.. I have a sort measure too so that gross premium is first in waterfall and net premium is end point. I got closest with this script
I have a second script which had each deduction type and premium type as an individual measure however when putting in multiple measures the waterfall chart begins to trellis
The third script i had is having a type field for premium or deduction then a qualifier to say what type i.e. premium has gross and net qualifier and deductions have many qualifier agian like tax fee etc..
The out of the box waterfall is designed for your first approach - where the difference between categories is driven by hierarchical elements based on a given measure. This is how most waterfall charts are built. Can you explain why this did not work for you?
Your second requires a different logical way of drawing the waterfall. You can get this working using the "measure waterfall" chart found in the marketplace of the the custom visual tool (under Formulate) - where we have a specific example of this type of capability.
The image shown is using the first method so not sure why its not working. I've attached where I put the dimension and measures to get that. you can see from the grid the values I should be getting versus what the chart looks like
Is it possible to get more information by what is meant by hierarchical elements? Apologies I am quite new to this still..
At moment the only way I have telling Pyramid GWP is start point and NWP is endpoint is through a sorting measure, is there another way to do this?
Hi Avi
Just had a call and they've said its a not a feature of the current Pyramid version and recommended I put it here.
I've attached an image of how excel produces the data vs how pyramid produced the data (with the assistance of the support team). I think the thing excel does is lets you define the total column which seems to be the main difference.
I did try the custom visual and used the measure waterfall and for a team member who only has a few deduction types which are static it works perfectly however I have 1000's of policies with all different deduction types which change regularly so I cant create a measure for each new version realistically, also it doesn't feature tool-tips and some of the axis values look odd.
Nick -
I believe the new Waterfall capabilities in 2020.02 close out the challenges you had in this thread.