Twitter Source questions

We recently received a few questions regarding the Twitter data source.
We thought to share the answers with you.

What search options do we have with the Twitter source node in Model?

  1. Is the string the same as with the q parameter in the Standard Search API? Or something else?
  2. Is there any way to make use of any of the Enterprise API parameters?https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/search/api-reference/enterprise-search

Currently, Pyramid's 'native' connector uses the twitter4j library to access the Twitter search API.

In relation to the questions:

Is the string the same as with the q parameter in the Standard Search API? Yes.
Is there any way to make use of any of the Enterprise API parameters? No.

Twitter has a 'rate limiting' and with twitter4j you cannot search for Tweets older than about a week.


For those users wanting to access the premium or enterprise capabilities, we suggest you use Python scripting. In the next point release of 2020, we will include a Python script in the marketplace for using this twitter capability.

We are happy to improve the twitter access and capabilities where possible. If you have specific requests, please submit them in the ideas section.

1 reply

    • VP Product Management
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

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