Starting/Stopping Pyramid services on Linux

Hi guys, anyone knows how to start/stop Pyramid 2018 on Ubuntu (and Linux in general)


service --status-all

Gives the following:

 [ + ]  pyramidAgent
 [ + ]  pyramidFs
 [ + ]  pyramidIMDB
 [ - ]  pyramidPG
 [ + ]  pyramidRTE
 [ + ]  pyramidRTR
 [ + ]  pyramidTE
 [ + ]  pyramidWeb

I can stop each service individually but there probably is a cleaner way to start or stop these services. I have checked the help section but haven't found documentation on how to actually administer the server

2 replies

    • Daniel
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Answer
    • Reported - view


    You have the following commands that you can use:

    To check the status of a service

    sudo /etc/init.d/pyramidRTE status

    To restart a service:

    sudo /etc/init.d/pyramidRTE restart

    To stop a service

    sudo /etc/init.d/pyramidRTE stop

    To start a service

    sudo /etc/init.d/pyramidRTE start

    If you wanted to work on all the Pyramid services at once, you could create a script to do this.

    The following commands can also be used:

    sudo systemctl status pyramidRTE

    sudo systemctl stop pyramidRTE

    sudo systemctl start pyramidRTE

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidRTE

    Pyramid 2023 list of services:

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidRTE

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidWeb

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidTE

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidSOLVE

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidNLP

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidAI

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidAgent

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidFs.

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidIMDB

    sudo systemctl restart pyramidRTR

    • Lawi
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks. Actually, that's what I did: I created 2 scripts: one to start and another to stop

    To start:

    sudo service pyramidWeb start
    sudo service pyramidRTR start
    sudo service pyramidRTE start
    sudo service pyramidAgent start
    sudo service pyramidFs start
    sudo service pyramidTE start
    sudo service pyramidPG start
    sudo service pyramidAI start
    sudo service pyramidDNC start


    To stop:

    sudo service pyramidWeb stop
    sudo service pyramidRTR stop
    sudo service pyramidRTE stop
    sudo service pyramidAgent stop
    sudo service pyramidFs stop
    sudo service pyramidTE stop
    sudo service pyramidPG stop
    sudo service pyramidAI stop
    sudo service pyramidDNC stop

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