Data Flow Output Question

I am trying to create a dataflow that starts with 2 different Pyramid content file sources (Tables I created within Pyramid already). Since each is referencing a different database, yet have a shared unique key between them, I am attempting to left join the FRS Sales table (Top) with the Operations table (Bottom). Looking at the preview, it seems to be joining the way I want it to.
My question is: How can I open the newly joined table within Pyramid and continue working on this merged version? I want to be able to eventually create a scheduled subscription with the query results from this. Thanks for any insights!
6 replies
Hi Steven.
Once you have the Join you could continue with the model flow and write the Join resulting table into a Target; in the screenshot below you can see how I'm building an IMDB database with the resulting table (Products).
This database will then be available to create a Discover that you can subscribe to.
I hope I understood the question correctly; and that it helps.
Good morning Eduardo, thank you for the reply.
I'm still a bit confused. Below is how I have it structured as well as the settings for my join and target nodes.My questions arise with the IMDB node at the end of the flow. I created a new database named Sales_Ops_Test, clicked "Connect All", which seems to have created the database because I can now see it when I search IMDB in the discovery tab, and then I clicked "Create Tables Now".
When I click Sales_Ops_Test however, there is no model inside of it. It is empty.
Additionally, I set up another database earlier named "JoinedSales" and was able to get a model inside (I can't replicate this), however, while I can see my dimensions and measures listed, there is actually no data in the database.Thanks,
Hi Steven.
Once you have connected the Join with the In-Memory, you have to build the model, as in the below screenshot:
It will open the Model configuration settings, where you can enter the model details, and review a summary of statistics about the data model.
And once completed the Columns and Hierarchies step (if needed) this is ready to be processed; it will deploy/create a database in the In-Memory server.
Let me know if it helps.
This helped! Thanks a lot.
OK, glad to know it works.