Combine attributes for "change caption"?

Dear Community,

when using an MSAS-OLAP-Cube with Pyramid (maybe in different circumstances, too) there is an option to change the caption of the members displayed in the rows (or columns) - in case it is a hierarchy, you can even select a specific attribute for each level - which is a great feature.

A client of mine, however, says it's not perfect, yet. He is missing the possibility to combine two or more attributes to make a concatenated caption from it. For example, he has a customer dimension and there is one attribute with the Zip Code, one with the city name and one with the country name. Now he wants to have "12345 City, Country" as the caption (please note the comma after the city name).

Nowadays he uses massive nesting of the attribute hierarchies to approximately meet his goal.

Now the question is: Is there a possibility to easily combine attributes (and characters) in order to use them as member's captions and we simply did not find it, yet? If so, could you show us? If not: Is it planned to add such option in an upcoming release?

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards

2 replies

    • Jason_Picker
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    The ability to combine captions from multiple attributes is best handled in the Data Model design via Calculated Columns or in the data source.  However, you can create a combined label as a measure if you want to make it part of a detailed report but unfortunately, you would not be usable to break the data out by the new measure (can't be used to organize or filter the data).

    Here is an example of doing it in Formulate and then using it in a report:



    • Senior Consultant BI & Data Management
    • Markus_Loy
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Jason,

    thanks for your reply.

    Of course, I can build combined attributes directly in the source or in the SSAS-Model, but even if you have only five attributes, it does not make much sense to create an attribute for each possible combination. So the client would need to specify the desired combinations in advance, thus he would loose flexibility.

    To create custom measures with the formulate module, on the other hand, offers the flexibility, but the result ist not the same and this way requires access to the formulate module, which is quite more complicated than the "change caption" option.

    Nevertheless, thanks again! I will tell the client and will create a Feature Request.

    Kind regard
    Markus Loy

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