YTD Functions
For the YTD to work properly, do you need to have a date field in your model? Or can it also work on 'text fields' set as your periods?
3 replies
According to the Help file, the member needs to be an existing member from either:
- a date-time flagged attribute in the model.
- a regular, multilevel hierarchy where there is a level of type "year"
If your attribute is not a date field or the hierarchy does not have a YEAR level set, then you will need to look at using another function such as LAG in conjunction with a RANGE operation.
For more detail on the YTD function see the following links:
Year-To-Date Node in Formulate
I am including a screenshot of using the YTD list node in the Formulate module. Please see the following video for more information:
If we only have a year and not a date, could we use YTD still? i.e. we have a year and development period - which can run from 1 all the way to 100+