Dashboard Gallery: Sales Dashboard

Dashboard Gallery: Sales Dashboard

In this Sales Dashboard we find a compact overview about all information a sales leader needs on their fingertips to stay on top of the current development throughout the Sales Process

Sales Dashboard 

On the Top we are presented with three key KPIs. Total Forecasted Amount, Company Count that are in the sales process and the average Sales Cycle duration. Each KPI is color coded base on the achievement.

On the Left a trellised bar chart shows the Industry and Deal size per Sales Stage with two spikes in Manufacturing and Services in Stage 1.

In the Middle a Scatter Plot compares Company Size with Deal Amound and number of Sales Cycle Days. The Color of the Bubble shows the Lead Source. Below this we see a Map of the Sales Area color coded by Target Achievement.

On the Right we see the forcast and trend split per Company Size

This overview give the Sales Leadership a clear indicator where to look for risk and additional potential. E.g. HOw to move the Stage one Opportunities quicker or to look deeper into some mid western states.

If you want to know more about this dashboard and what happened to Wyoming and West Virgina,
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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 107Views