Pyramid Usage Model



Can someone provide a breakdown of what the usage times relate to i.e. is total time the amount of time someone has used the report in seconds , minutes or hours?


What is meant by pre-query, post-query, engine-time etc? I'm looking to use this but be useful to understand what it means in real terms? As it's really useful.


For more info model was built from here:




1 reply

    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Official response
    • Reported - view

    Response Size Metrics

    • Column Count: number of RAW columns in the result set
    • Row Count: number of RAW rows in the result set
    • Cell count = columns x rows

    The RAW result set is not always indicative of the drawn result in the visual. For instance, matrix grids can be much larger drawn than their underlying RAW result.

    Time Metrics

    •    Pre-query: Pyramid engine time before the query is submitted.
    •    Post-query: Pyramid engine time after the query is submitted.
    •    Other: any time spent on scripting logic and dynamic functions as part of the query
    • Server: pre-query + post-query + other
    •    Connection: the time taken to connect to the data source
    •    Query: the time data source takes to respond to the query
    • Query Engine: Connection + Queries and Calculations
    • Total: server + query engine + network + client

    The time aggregates may be slightly off because:

    • the measurements are in millisecond integers - so rounding is ignored.
    • not every time element is always fully additive - because some items may run in parallel to each other (like 'connection' and 'other' times)

    Using these metrics, you should be able to spot performance issues in your query designs vs data source performance vs Pyramid's processing performance.


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  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 247Views
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