Cascade for date filter

I’m working on the cascading of filters and when I use the date as a base filter (i.e) the
filter based on which 2 other dimensions must be filtered, the cascading does
not reflect that filtered portion either on the cascade filter or the filtered result.
This cascading works on dimensions not involving date.
I wish to know any feasible solutions.
Many Thanks
9 replies
So I assume you want to choose a date, and only show Zip Codes from this date, then only show customers from this ZIP code.
Step 1:
Put the Customer name on the filters.
Step 2: right click on zip Code, and cascade to customer name.
Notice that this step created a zip code parameter, and a list of customers that exist for this parameter, however the discover is not yest filtered by the zip code - we will amend it shortly.
Step 2:
right click on calendar date and cascade to the zip code parameter:
notice that now you have a parameter for the calendar, a list and a parameter for the zip, and a list for the customer names.
step 3:
Now we want the customers list to be filtered by both ZIP and Parameter - right click on the customer name list, and open in formulate:
In formulate, go to the exists element, and add the calendar parameter, and save:
Now the customers list is filtered by both date and zip.
step 4:
The next step is to add the date and zip to the filters - open the elements on both and mark the parameter with a check box, if they are added to the rows or columns move them to the filters notice that now you have them appearing as a parameter as well as a filter:
Now you can add whatever you need to the rows (say products, sales, quantity, cost):
Now the cal date parameter is filtering the list of zip codes, the list of customers, and the data in the discover.
The Zip Code parameter is filtered by the date, and filters both the customers and the discover.
The customers list is filtered by the date and zip parameters, and is used in the filter.
The key steps are cascading the date to both the zip and the customer, and to use the parameters as filters as well.
I hope this helps.
I have placed a copy of my colleague's example on our Explore server, if you don't have an account you can sign up from the link below.
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HOW TO: Cascade to a date filter
many thanks
Cascade filter works on discover layer what if we want to perform the same activity on the presentation layer , it seems we need to manually draw the interactions for cascade effect to work on presentation layer.
Any thoughts ?
what about from customer to zip , zip to date cross interaction or you can say two way filter in both direction currently it is supported in the discovery layer via cascade filter but not in presentation layer