Dashboard Gallery: Sales and Product Analysis

Dashboard Gallery: Sales & Product Analysis
In this three panel Presentation we cover the typical analysis a product sales company would go through.
- Sales Overview - checking the past
- Product Analysis - getting deeper into the current situation and
- Forecast - what have we planned for the next periods
Let's check this in detail
Sales Overview
The Main page gives the user access to Performance Data across Subcategories and different Retailers adding colored indicators and numbers to quickly draw the attention to detail. The bottom showcases top and bottom brands across growth and market share. The right side offers Market trends and Top Brand performance numbers.
For further analysis the user can adjust the filter, add or slice the data on the top to narrow the angle and get more detailed information. With a bookmark this view then can be secured.
Notice the text in Green and Red below the filter, giving the users tips on how to work with the data and reduce the number of questions and errors. You will see these tips on all panels. This uses Dynamic Text functionality to display text and color coded based on conditions.
Pre-calculated Time Groupings to support comparisons in the Market
The next page dives deeper into time aspect of the data and offers pre-selected filters to show the information on different levels of detail. Users can quickly jump between different views and see the performance over time against other business units. The Business Insights section is created using Dynamic Text functionality based on the Financial Detail report section.
Interactive Charts and Tables to compare on Product Level
The next page dives even deeper into the products and allows the user to see comparisons on a product level. Comparisons with other products and interactive charts and tables that can be filtered allow the user to get a view on the product that was not available previously. A product manager is now ready to further analyze the reasons for variety in product sales.
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