Can I bring up a second filter/slicer when certain selections are made in an initial one?


I would like to make it so that choosing a particular selection in a slicer in a present brings up a secondary slicer based on a different dimension. I only want to filter by the second dimension for a particular selection in the first filter. Is this possible? If so, how would I go about configuring this? 

4 replies

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Rory,

    Yes, it's possible, but requires a little bit of configuration.

    Effectively, we are wanting to perform conditional content display. I.e., as you say, only display items under certain conditions.

    To do this, we can use the "Mini-Tab", the Present object that allows you to create tabbed content. In our case, we're going to hide the tabs and the object's border and panel, rendering it invisible, then drive the tab selection based on the value of the initial slicer, the selected tab containing our second slicer and the other tab, nothing.

    First create your two slicers and our mini tab, with two tabs defined:

    Drag and drop the second slicer, in our case, Product Category, into Tab 1.

    Select Tab 2, to make it the default, then hide the Tabs:

    Make the border zero width:

    Select the first slicer, right click and select "Actions":

    We need to choose the mini-tab we're jumping to and the "Advanced" option. We can then examine the value of the selection from the first slicer using the Captions() function. If it is the value that should display the second slicer, got to tab number 1, if not, number 2)

    At run time, the default selection is Acme and the default tab is Tab 2, so the second slicer is not displayed:

    Selecting "Poomah" also initiates the Jump Action and as Captions() = "Poomah", Tab 1 is displayed and the second slicer becomes visible and can be used. If the first slicer selection is changed to anything other than "Poomah", then Tab 2 will be shown and the second slicer will not be visible.

    Of course, with additional Tabs and Slicers and by making more sophisticated logic in the Jump Action, many permutations of slicers (and other content) can be conditionally displayed based on user selection.

    Bear in mind though, that if you conditionally display the slicer, make a selection to filter something, then conditionally hide it, the filtering will still be in place.

    Hope that helps.


    • quantenabler
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    That’s an elegant approach.  I would prefer to have data-driven, linked selections in discovers.  Several attempts to implement cascading slicers have not quite gotten.  I will attempt to type here, but can create another thread, if needed.

    Mock scenario: drop down selector 1 for “city”…drives drop down values in selector 2 for “street name” (with option for “all” as default)

    this yields the desired data to be rendered. But once I select a single street “Main Street” I get data for all “Main Street” regardless of the “city” in selector 1.

    documentation and scenarios in various videos don’t help resolve

      • Customer Solutions Architect
      • Moshe_Yossef
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      anonymous client 


      What happens is that you have the same street names in various cities.

      So the cascading takes the city ("Seattle" for example), and creates a list which only has the street names that exist in "Seattle".

      But then, by default, the cascaded street filter will only filter by street name.

      If you look back into the city column, you will see a parameter created there called "City".

      All you need to do now is choose only this parameter, you will then see that it is shown as a background filter - and see the data you want.
      Look here, the city of Birmingham is selected from the US - but shows also Britain:

      However if I Choose the @Country parameter created from the cascade:

      The "Background" is actually a filter with a single selection.

      Hope this helps,


    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi anonymous client,

    Sorry, I misunderstood your requirements. 

    Yes, you can cascade slicers (filters) in any way you choose. Trick here is use parameter driven dynamic sets, i.e. create a list of values, say for city, use the list to drive a parameter, then use that parameter in a second dynamic list to filter members in another dimension, etc., building up  a chain of data driven lists.

    There is also the "Quick" options, demonstrated here: https://pyramidanalytics.wistia.com/medias/8l9yqbkydw


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