Partial Replacement of Data

Hi All - 

Is there any way you can delete a filtered set of records from the InMemory db? 

I need to replace only the last weeks data with every run since these records are altered in the source data.  (i.e delete old and insert new records, or update the existing data with new values.)  The data set is quite large and replacing data with every load is not possible.  Any work around ideas?



2 replies

    • yuval_adi
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    If I understand,  you can delete some rows before the ETL runs, you can use the master flow SQL script node with the delete command and connect it to your dataFlow node.

    each running executes the SQL command and after it the dataFlow.

      • Linda_Swanepoel
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      yuval adi - You just made my DAY!  👍  Thanks for the assist.

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