Is it possible to connect a slicer to dynamic text within a tooltip in Present ?

I have a tooltip on an image that displays dynamic text pulling data from a simple grid discovery. The only issue is that I am unable to apply the slicers on the present slide to the Dynamic text.

I have attempted to use a placeholder instead, which can be connected to slicers, but I am having trouble connecting it to a discovery with the preset PQL actions.

Is it possible to have a dynamic placeholder within a tooltip that displays data from a Discovery (that is not present on the presentation slide) while being connected to the presentation slicers? 

1 reply

    • VP Product Management
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 3 wk ago
    • Reported - view


    Yes, it is.

    Here we have an image and we're setting a tooltip on it in Illustrate. Enter whatever text you need, then add the Placeholder:

    Add Dynamic Text further text combined with values taken from a grid. When you add the Dynamic Text it will prompt you for a grid from which to take values:

    On the Present connect your slicer to both the Placeholder and the Illustrate object:

    At runtime, the Tooltip will contain the slicer value (of course you can use it wherever you want in your text) and the values form the grid which is sliced by the slicer Value selected:

    Hope that helps.


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  • 3 wk agoLast active
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