Folder & Location URLs



I am wishing to be able to send out a link to a folder\reports relative location and not the unique id currently assigned to the reporting item. Is it possible to use a URL to navigate to a folders relative location?


How would I supply a URL to this folder below?


Public Content\Development\Syndicate Run Off Dashboard


The reason behind this is that I am working with the initial version of a report within my folder and when I have a versions ready for review I wish to give them a copy a whole folder they can see to review that version. I also will continue development of the extra features in the report on my version.


When I re-import any future versions it is assigned a new id and the links previously set will be invalid or pointing at the old report and not the version I wish them to view.  This means re-issuing URLs for even very minor fixes and user will also click old redundant links in old emails.

2 replies

    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    The content stored in the system is virtual. The folder path you are after does not physically visible or addressable on the drive of the servers. So, what you are after is a way to address a virtual folder using a URL link. This is not available, but has been requested in the forum (and you can vote for it if you want).

    Regardless, I think this functionality to not critical to solving your problem. I would look at moving the in-development folder to a shared group or public folder that everyone else can see and review. Alternatively, copy / paste the development folder to the group/public shared space. You may even want to use the "deep paste" option, which will copy the entire analytic content tree of items.

    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This feature is now available in 2020.10.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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