Latitude and Longitude


I am struggling to use Latitude and Longitude to plot data on a map. The data plots correctly with Country and State, however adding latitude and longitude causes pyramid to display nothing on the map. I have geocoded the map locations and added the columns to the categories Latitude and Longitude.

Any ideas why i cant get the data to plot using Lat and Long? 


8 replies

    • Dvir_Buzaglo
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Daniaal,


    For mapping, a Long and Lat Pyramid does not use attributes.

    Pyramid needs the latitude and longitude values to be configured as measures (average) to be able to use them in the map.

    Once you create these as average measures it will allow you to use them on the map.


    After clicking the mapping icon you may need to drag the Lon and lat on to the corresponding icon in the map location

    This is how the grid would look:


    If you are still having issues please open a support ticket stating which data source you are using.


    Kind regards.

    • Ray_Johnson
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Is there a way to convert them to measures conveniently? 

    • Dvir_Buzaglo
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Ray,

    Yes, you will need two separate values one for the Long and one for the lat and then change each one of them by right-clicking it>Aggregate>Average.

    Then drag lat and Long to the "Map location" little arrow >Lattiude and Longitude drop zones.



    I hope it helps.

      • Ray_Johnson
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Dvir Buzaglo Awesome - thank you!

      • Ray_Johnson
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Ray Johnson I don't have the "Aggregate" option on mine actually:


    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    What type of data source are you using?

    If its MS OLAP/Tabular or SAP BW, you'll need to build the aggregation type into the cube/model directly  - it cannot be changed directly from Pyramid.

      • Ray_Johnson
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Avi Perez I realize now that using OLAP was problematic on many levels for what I was trying to accomplish. Thank you.

      • "making the sophisticated simple"
      • AviPerez
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Ray Johnson you should try running a direct query to your relational db (if you have one) or pushing it through the in-memory database. You might be really surprised at the greater flexibility offered through a non-OLAP engine.

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