How to set up Alerts via email


How do I set up the alerts via email?  There is not option to in this section.  It notifies me the email settings are not configured, How do I configure those?


Can alerts be set to send to individual users, if so does each person go in and set up the alert? 


1 reply

    • Dvir_Buzaglo
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Katherine,

    In order to schedule publications or Alerts, the SMTP/Sendgrid configuration need to be configured at the "Admin console" under Setting>Messaging,

    After filling the information press apply.


    Then, in order to set users, click the "Email" Tab and click the "Email from static list" checkbox, add the emails in "Emai Address Source">Static list,  separated by a semicolon  



    Hope it helps.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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