How to launch dashboards via Actions?

Is it possible to use an action to open another dashboard? For example, I’d like a summary dashboard to link out to a detail dashboard to drill down, essentially.

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    • Jason_Picker
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    If you are working with Pyramid 2020 04.019 or older, you can use the URL Action to launch dashboards.  If you are working with 2020.10 or newer, you can use the Content Action.

    To use a URL Action, you want to first get the URL for the dashboard you want to call.  If you navigate to the dashboard in the Content Explorer, you can click on the Action Panel button.  In the Action Panel, you can click on the Copy Link button (chain-link icon) to get the URL.

     Once you have the URL, you can open up the Action panel in the dashboard you want to launch the link from and paste it in as a string.

    If you need to pass values between the two dashboards, you will need to leverage dashboard targets and then add parameters to the URL to match the targets. Watch for a blog on this coming soon.

     In 2020.10, you will see the Jump to Report is replaced by Jump tp Content, which will allow you to pick a report or dashboard object as the destination of the action.

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  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 30Views
  • 1 Following