Auto Provisioning - adding multiple roles

I have AD groups that I will be using for Auto Provisioning.  I created a schedule for an AD group, but want to assign the user to multiple roles.  It appears I will need to create a job for each role I want to assign to the user. Is there another way to accomplish this?


I also need to setup an auto provisioning job to give access to any new role added in the future for a role. Is there a way to do this as well?

1 reply

    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This is a redundant feature. Add users to Pyramid via provisioning as normal to give them access to the platform.

    To add users to multiple Pyramid roles, connect AD groups to those roles and add/remove users to those AD groups instead. The rest will happen automatically.

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  • Status Answered
  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 18Views
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