Display weather on map with data points


We are trying to identify if there is a way to map customers address on a weather map to identify who would be affected by a storm.  Do you have some ideas on how this might be accomplished.



Rob Clark

1 reply

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Rob,

    You should be able to pass the address(es) to a weather mapping sites via their API using Dynamic Text to construct the URL with arguments to open that website in a a web panel on a dashboard or pop up the website. 

    Here's an example using Actions in Present. Right click on visual, select Action, then call the Weather map, in this case using the slicer value (Sacramento) to pass to the map.

    Here is the Dynamic Text code:

    "https://www.ventusky.com/?p="+replace(captions(dataSet("[Store].[Lat Long URL]")),",",";")+";8&l=temperature-2m&t="+captions(dataSet("[Date].[ISO Week Start]"))+"/00"

    Set as an Action in Discover:

    You'll have to find the best weather mapping website for your needs and how to pass values to it via its URL, then construct that URL using Dynamic Text as above.

    Hope fully that gives you a start though.


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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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