Using Time Intelligence Hierarchy (Regular) cannot use a separate year filter



I have a hierarchy showing values by year, which then the user can use the regular hierarchy to drill down to quarter, then month then date. Works perfectly however if I add a filter to the dashboard for year (whether as a hierarchy, individual, or a separate unrelated year field) then the function of the crosses to drill down doesn't work nor does right clicking to drill down?


Any tips on how to work around this please?




1 reply

    • imbarmarinescubar_pyram
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Nick,


    If you use the same hierarchy/attribute both on the visual and in the filter (as a slicer), then the value of the slicer drives what is in the visual.

    That results in the case where if you expand (drill) the rows in your grid, the slicer still takes over and replaces the elements with its selection.


    If you use the hierarchy (1) on the rows but the attribute (2) of the years as a slicer, it should work like this:



    Original report:



    dashboard editor:



     expand in run time:


    Let me know if you have any other problems or questions.


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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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