Date Range Slicer for Two Dates on a table


I have two dates in my table: Contract Date and Execution Date.  I do not need to apply the date range slicers on both dates at the same time.  I am using @Param to create the First and the Last Date for my date range on a Presentation.   Do I have to create two Date Range slicers or is it possible to have one date range and an option to select to what DATE the range to apply to change the Presentation results.   

Thank you.

4 replies

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 8 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  ,

    Your post is a little confusing. Are you saying you need the same date range applied to both dates? Or are you asking to be able to specify a date range, then decide which date to apply it to and they may be different? 

    Can you please clarify your requirements and then we can better answer your question.



    • Roman_Lyakhovsky
    • 5 days ago
    • Reported - view

    I would like to specify the date range and than decide to what date to apply it.  I have one presentation with multiple KPIs.  I want results return based on two different data ranges either on the Initial Contract Date or the Execution Date.  I can create two calendar slicers,  one for the Initial Calendar Date and one for the Execution Date on my presentation on the same page.  Another approach is to create two page presentation with identical KPIs, where one page results will be based on the selection of the Initial Contract date and the second page returns results based on the Execution Date.  Ideally, I am looking to create one page presentation with only one calendar (date range) visible on the presentation and allow a user to select either the Initial Calendar Date or for Execution Date (data/table/column) to return results on the presentation. 

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 5 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  ,

    You will need slicers for each date. Because the slicer values are made up of members form that hierarchy, you cannot apply the values from one hierarchy to another.

    However, we can allow the user to select which slicer to use and have the other slicer hidden.

    Create a Global Parameter that has option of each date, in my case order date and shipping date:

    Add this to your dashboard slide and also add a "Mini Tab" object:

    Add the Order Date Slicer (or slicers) to tab one and the Ship Date to Tab 2 (use whatever dates are relevant to you).

    Hide the mini tab tabs:

    Right click on the Global Parameter and select Actions. Set the Action so that selecting the parameter value displays the appropriate tab:

    Default at run time shows Order Date selected on the parameter and the Order Date slicer displayed. 

    Clicking on Shipping Date in the Parameter displays the second tab and the Shipping Date slicer to select the date range.

    Hope that helps.


      • Roman_Lyakhovsky
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

         Thank you.  A very elegant solution under given circumstances. 

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