Scheduled maintenance down time
I've looked but have not found any means to have pyramid shut down access for scheduled maintenance.
Main requirement is to prevent JDBC calls interrupting Netezza service procedures.
I'm looking for a way to have pyramid enter a maintenance mode that allows me to disable access to Netezza, or pyramid web services as a whole
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to do this?
My work around will be to disable the connectors to NZ then manually enable them again, but ideally id like to to then have a warning displayed on reports and have this run automatically
Hoping I've miss something, else ill raise a suggestion ticket
Many thanks
2 replies
Hi Darren,
Since version 2023.13.1, we've exposed the "/API3/dataSources/togglePauseDatasource" entry point, which allows you to pause/resume access to a certain data source.
You can integrate that with your own piece of code to make it run on a schedule, or just use it on demand. You can also perform the same action via the UI, which will only work on demand.
Hope this covers your use case