Action - Jump to Content. Hide the background slicers?

Ok so an Action is applied to open a discovery in a pop-up. The functionality works great as it takes the context in the cell which is right-clicked and uses that in the pop up.  

Question is, how do I prevent the pop-up discovery from displaying items in a legend? it looks like these are the two attributes that are the context for the pop-up.

I've turned the legend off in the discovery which has hidden the colour legend in the pop-up, but not the rest. In the Presentation slide that triggers the action I've also turned off the "Show all Slivers in hidden panel option". Also not ticked "Include Context" in the Action settings.

Many thanks!

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    • "making the sophisticated simple"
    • AviPerez
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You can't. 

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