interactions across column charts
Hi community. I have highlight-type interactions between two column charts, both of which feature measures from the same table (one is "value" and the other is "cost"). When I run the Presentation dashboard with these two charts, and then lasso a bar or two in one chart, there is no change or corresponding highlight for the bars in the other charts. What I have seen in other software is that, let's say, the bars I've lassoed represent 60% of the records that are contained in a bar in the neighboring chart, and so 60% of that bar gets a foreground highlight (or alternatively the residual 40% of that bar gets shadowed--same visual impact either way). I have heard this effect called "brushing". Does Pyramid Analytics support this? or perhaps I've simply set up the interaction incorrectly? Thanks in advance.
1 reply
Hi Robin,
We do not support "brushing" in the way that you describe it, but you should be able to set the interactions so that if I select the cost on a set of products, it will show that same set of products sales and vice versa.